Monday, September 5, 2011

Ander Sketch WIP

So here you'll hear me mention "my story" probably really frequently. Once again, I haven't decided if I trust the internet enough to post scenes or anything from it, but I might tell you pieces here and there. One piece is this character here, Ander. I do really love drawing my characters and scenes from my story since I can visualize them so vividly. Since I'm not posting any of my old works here, I can't show you, but I will say at my deviantart page there is a folder with a lot of drawings from my story.

So, yes, this is Ander and just a sketch I inked. (I keep telling myself I'll actually try some new digital painting techniques besides multiply and actually try to pain a background, but I'm scared @__@) He's a terrolk, as I call it, or a really cool dude with the magic power to move dirt. He's quite unique in that respect, since everyone else who has tried to become a terrolk go insane. Why? Well, pray that I eventually finish my novel so you can read and find out XP

Apologies, I don't have a scanner right now, so enjoy this crappy photo of the sketch. :) Also, I'm always up for critique or advice on drawing or painting techniques, anatomy, character drawing suggestions, whatevs. Try me.

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