Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Digi Practice: Pierce

Just needed to unwind a bit today so here's a quick piece of Pierce, the pyrolk


OOFTA. WOWZA. SKADOOSH. Today is the last day of November, and I have just completed the National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO) 50,000 words in a month challenge, ending at 50,159 words! I've been writing that mysterious story I keep talking about. I had optimistically and unrealistically hoped that 50000 words would cover the entire first draft of Book 1, but unfortunately it's about half, if not less. So I still have a LONGGG way to go before I even finish the crappy rough first draft. UGH. Oh well I'm still super proud of myself, because I conquered a lot of hurdles I normally experience about writing, like judging it and overthinking what to write. This challenge made me just sit down and pound it out, and though sometimes it was like pounding out teeth, other times I stumbled onto great ideas for new scenes and character developments. GO ME. I'm thinking about taking a break from writing, though. I feel like I've suffocated the project from obligation as well as enthusiasm, so I'll give it a breather. It'd be a good time for me to get back to drawing and reading like a normal person. Well, I say normal...

Anyway! Thanks to anyone who encouraged me to bang this out! I'll probably do my own nanowrimo in another month to bang out the rest of the first book. THIS THING NEEDS TO COME OUT ALREADY. However, I'm in no hurry to pass it around for advice/critique yet. I don't think I'm ready to pounce on the editing phase. But whatever. All I'm trying to say is I'm awesome and I completed the NANOWRIMO challenge!

(congrats to anyone out there who also did, or completed the no-shave november challenge. Way to go)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Damien and Pierce WIP update

Just an update on this practice piece. As usual, any advice is welcome.

Pierce and Damien WIP

Digital WIP practicing some good ol photoshop. Scene from my story with Damien and Pierce. Damien's holding water daggers and Pierce has sort of fire in his fist. I'll be trying to make that more clear :) Background will come later, too.
....Can anyone help me draw hair?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Two Posts in One Day? Surely Not...

BUT IT'S TRUE. 'Cause I hit a hardcore drawing mood! So here's one of my friends by request as a waterbender. Sketched, then totally edited/drawn in photoshop :) I forgot how smooth a wacom stylus on a proper tablet is!


Ok, so most of October (meaning, all of it) was spent working on my bomb-diggity costume, a Pathfinder barbarian. It's not to the level of completion that I want it to be, but it still turned out pretty cool. The armor, most of all, was amazing.. I'll post pics of my boyfriend's and my armor here, too, just so you can see what I was doing instead of drawing @__@

AAAAAAND now it's NOVEMBER!!! So instead of costuming, I should have all the time in the world now right? HAHAWRONG, because November is NANOWRIMO, NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth!!! Remember that story I keep mentioning? Yeah, well it's time to get my butt in gear and whip out that first draft (though not out of my butt.. hopefully). I'm definitely trying to balance writing, drawing, school, and relationships, but bear with me I promise I'll post more artistic progress. Still uncomfortable about posting my writing though in the off-chance/likeliness that it'll get stolen. Anywho! Here's some of what I've done lately :)

MY ARMOR, in progress

MY ARMOR, done!

JUSTIN'S ARMOR (top, front)

JUSTIN'S ARMOR (top, back)

JUSTIN'S ARMOR, everything else